Dark Love – Temná láska


Alexandra BerkováALEXANDRA BERKOVÁ : TEMNÁ LÁSKA - PDF Free Download

She was born on July 2, 1949 in Trenčín . Her father was the conductor of the symphony orchestra Bohumil Berka and her mother was a journalist. From the age of nine until her university studies, she lived in Teplice . She graduated from SUPŠ sklářské in Kamenický Šenov and in 1968–1973 she studied Czech and art education at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague . She graduated in literary-critical disputes between Karel Čapek in the 1930s, and later extended it to a rigorous one – PhDr. acquired in 1980.

After 1990, she began teaching creative writing at the Josef Škvorecký Grammar School , then at the Josef Škvorecký High School and at the Literary Academy – where she also headed the Department of Creative Writing since 2001. She was one of the pioneers of this field in the Czech Republic and wrote a “continuation manual” about writing for the magazine Tvar .

She lived in Prague, where she also died on June 16, 2008 .

Translated By: Khaled Al Beltagyخالد أبو اليزيد البلتاجي - ويكيبيديا

Professor of Language and Translation at the Faculty of Al Alsun Ain Shams University





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Weight 200 g
Dimensions 20 × 14 cm

156 Pages


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